
Something About the grubmaster guide

The Grubmaster Guide is Your Guide to Simplify Cooking Ourdoors

Learn more about how the Grubmaster Guide started, and what we hope to provide.

You never forget a beautiful thing that you have made…
Even after you eat it, it stays with you – always.

Julia Child

About The Grubmaster Guide

How The Grubmaster Guide Began

Hi my name is Michael and I created grubmasterguide.com as a recipe site for all things related to cooking for scouts in the outdoors. The guide is here to see what users favorite camp meals are, cook your own camp meals, comment on recipes, and even submit your own.

I spent much of my youth in scouts, and enjoyed every moment of it. I continued with scout until I received my Eagle Scout rank. I had a long break until fatherhood and the time came to get my kids into scouts. I’m currently part of cub scout pack 318 in Raleigh, NC.

A large part of my life has been working, and training in the restaurant industry. Food has always been a passion of mine. I study culinary arts, worked in many restaurants, even opened my own restaurant. Once graduating college I changed paths and worked as a graphic designer and web developer. Today, I’m still working as a web developer. The twist is, I actually work as a web developer for a restaurant company. Go figure.

So in scouting, leaders can participate in an adult leader training program through their scout council called Woodbadge. Woodbadge dates back to the beginning of scouts. The first training course was in 1919. The goal of Woodbage is to train leaders to be good leaders and teach them about scouting. As part of the Woodbage training you have to complete 5 projects of your choosing that Woodbadge leaders see will benefit scouts, your council, troop, pack, or community. One of my projects was this cooking guide.

Special Thanks To:

I want to thank Jeff Kidd for some great recipes he provided and has curated over the years. And I want to thank the Occoneechee Council woodbage leaders. Without them this cooking guide may never have got started.

Another resource that inspired a lot of our recipes come from the United States Department of Defense. Yes, that correct. That have a complete kitchen and dining guide for all service branches. Their recipes are geared towards cooking for large groups. The trick to making military recipes taste great is to add fat, salt, and sugar back in the recipes.

The Future of The Grubmaster Guide

I hope this guide helps you on your next campout. I would love to get feedback on all the recipes you cook, or even new recipes that you would like to contribute. Thank you and enjoy.


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